Saturday, June 17, 2017

17/06/17 - Daisy & Geo


To the question " What does style mean to you ? ", Daisy and Geo have replied :

" We think that style is a "concept". For many people having style means wearing the latest fashion trends, but for us, it means being in harmony with what we truly are - our personalities, our mood. Not to be disguised, but to be ourselves throughout the outlines, the proposed volumes and colours of our clothes. Finally, style is in harmony with every things we have to deal with daily, and which constantly change. "

And, when I asked them " What would you consider to be the secrets of a good outfit ? ", they said :

" A good outfit is above all an outfit that you're at ease with. An outfit in which you are what you wear. If we had to talk more technically, we would say that it is one where the volumes of each pieces are harmonious, because we think that the overall outlines of an outfit are the most important thing, even more important than the colours. And then come individual preferences... "

Authenticity, passion, personality and taste, these are the words that come to my mind when I see Daisy and Geo's looks, which are brilliantly coordinated. In addition to their enriching point of view on style and fashion, they also develop a wonderful universe throughout their singular style.

If you love fashion and even if you don't actually, you will absolutely love their Instagram feed !


Friday, June 16, 2017

16/06/17 - Atsuna


From casual chic outfits to sportwear looks and pajamas, Atsuna documents all types of outfits in her beautiful blog
she's such a great inspirational fashion blogger !


Thursday, June 15, 2017

15/06/17 - Eveline


Eveline sports a trendy fashion style with some retro vibes, there's always a piece which stands out for its cut or for its pattern in her original outfits. Moreover, I absolutely admire how she started sharing her " passion for life " in her blog after all the experiences she had to go through : another example of the fact that fashion is one good way of sharing positive messages !


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

14/06/17 - Sara


To the question " What would you consider to be the secrets of a good outfit ? ", Sara has replied :

" What would I consider to be the secrets of a good outfit ? Well... Just never try too hard - sometimes the simplest things are the ones that look more elegant and stylish. Personally, I've always believe in the power of a good accessory - be it a white shirt with an amazing skirt or skinny jeans with a good pair of shoes, that's what makes a good outfit ! "

And indeed, elegance and style are what we can find in each ones of Sara's looks :
she's a fashion blogger with a trendy and unique fashion style !


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

13/06/17 - Timothy


Denim, leather, neatly trimmed beard and tattoos : as Timothy's Instagram feed shows, 
he has a really nice sense of style, each ones of his looks have character !


Monday, June 12, 2017

12/06/17 - Lucy


To the question " How would you define style ? ", Lucy has replied : 

" I think Style is all about expressing yourself, having fun and sometimes pushing yourself to step out of your comfort zone ! It's great to put on an outfit and have great self-confidence. "
It's exactly the same positive message which pops out from Lucy's stylish and lovely casual outfits !
Moreover, she also gives amazing fashion and beauty tips on her blog, so if you're looking for a new fashion blogger to follow, then you should definitely go check that out !


Sunday, June 11, 2017

11/06/17 - Uxía


The uniqueness of Uxía's fashion style remains in the fact that there is always a part of fun in her vintage-inspired looks, with the bold colours and the original matters : you already know what I'm going to say, I love it !